Sunday, March 7, 2010

embrace of grace #5708

"God cares way more about me getting to know Him than what I can "do" for Him."

Wise words of the day from my friend Geoff. He is in Africa as an International Development Studies intern. You can find his blog here.

It's neat how we are both learning this simple gospel fact in places that would stereotypically need our 'help' the most.

Yesterday I went to a wedding at the Burmese Church. My friend All Rain's wife ran up to me after the service and gave me a big hug. I'm SO glad she speaks Thai... I feel like we share a secret language in a sea of Burmese speakers. I had been looking for her in the congregation but couldn't find her-- and was overjoyed that she had come and I got to see her again. After hugging and chatting I turned to All Rain and exclaimed, 'your wife is beautiful!' I so, so yearn to be here longer to establish a real relationship with her... I feel like we could be like sisters. God definitely has a sense of humour. Praise His name.

I am trying to read the beatitudes every day of lent... and the more I read them... and the more I live... I'm beginning to think he was actually being completely straightforward and serious... so blatant its almost funny.

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