Tuesday, March 16, 2010

exhausted quite.

You know when you look in your mirror and think, 'oh, I forgot to wash off my mascara'. And remember, 'oh wait, I don't wear mascara...' *sigh. That was me this morning, even after my housemate let me sleep in until 10:30am... I don't think I have ever slept that late as long as I've been here. I feel exhausted in every sense, I am making lists upon lists just so I can cross something off and feel like I'm catching up with myself :).

This past week my kids presented the play we had been working on for the last couple months: the first every English play at DEPDC- this year, 'Peter Pan'! Our aim was to encourage the audience that English isn't so hard, and perhaps by seeing their children and friends speak it, they would try harder at their studies or, if they were one of the adults or parents in attendance, to join an evening class. It was very, very fun :).

Do you remember KiangSaen? She was one of my students in my evening classes... she went to Bangkok about a month or two ago with her brother, even though she didn't want to go. I hadn't heard from her and didn't know what she was going to do. On Sunday after Church I got a call from her for the first time since she left! She called to say she was safe and she was planning on coming back to Mae Sai for June to begin class at Mum Cherry's Bible College. Yes. Please Celebrate with me. Throw your hat in the air. And keep praying :).

After exams on Monday (yesterday) I went to Tachileik to visit with my friend Menut. I had brought her a birthday present. A single pearl on a silver chain. It was late... I always take a while to decide what to give. Menut is... lovely. She is strong and pure in heart. I want to learn from her, how to guard my heart. Once a man told me, when I had asked why he so persisted in pursuing me, that when someone finds a treasure, he sells everything else he owns in order to have that treasure... I wanted to give Menut a pearl so she would always remember that she is a priceless treasure. She started her first day in a seven-day prayer walk around her neighborhood this morning. Please pray for her safety as she walks each morning this week.

I love to go to her house... I love to sit on her porch and watch life go by. I adore that city. Her Mum wanted to give me something to remember Myanmar that I could not get in Canada... and so she had me choose some material that she had and made me my very only longi (sp?). The skirt that wraps around your waste... I adore it. It's lovely. I can't wait to wear it to Church on Sunday. This is her Mum making it for me. I am amazed by this woman. Amazed. I watched her fix her fence, fix her sewing machine, sew up a longi, make lunch- I kept telling Menut how her Mum was so similar to mine. I wish they could meet... I really do. Her Mum has started calling me 'Ackah', the third daughter. When I needed to leave to make it back to Thailand in time, she wrapped two hunks of salted meat together that she had bought specially for the occasion; newspaper, string tied tight, and a bag. A present for first mother, from second mother. So... as long as Air Asia and WestJet will let me take salted meat home in my luggage, I am bringing home a special present for you, Mum. A present for first mother, from second mother.

hm. she also offered her sandals to me after she saw mine... the hole in the sole of my left sandal is getting bigger... perhaps when an elderly single Mom from Myanmar offers you her shoes, it's time to invest in another pair :S.

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